Legacy - Creating a tagged group

From the Family Tree Forum Reference Library

This is an alternative way to split off a branch of your tree in order to export it.

  • Open the family file to the person you want.
  • Right click on the person.
  • Choose tag.
  • A box appears with their name at the top.
  • Choose the first tag number which is not in heavy type from the row under their name (1-9 in the deluxe version, maybe only 1-3 in the basic version).
  • Click on this number, it will turn green.
  • Type the name you want this group to be called e.g. Bloggs ancestors in the corresponding line at the bottom of the page.
  • From the advanced tagging line near the top of the box, change –make changes on tag –from 1 to the number you now have in green, unless this is the first time you have done this and you are using tag 1.
  • Click on the ancestors button, assuming you want the ancestors of this person, or choose one of the other options.
  • An ancestors box opens.
  • Decide which option you want, say direct line ancestors, how many generations you want etc. When you have made your choices, click Ok.
  • It takes you back to the advanced tagging box, close.
  • Before you export your gedcom, you may wish to check who is tagged. Open the name list, a cross appears next to each tagged person.
  • If you have the deluxe version and have saved more than three tagged groups already, you need to be able to view the latest group you have created, but there are only columns 1-3 on the name list. Go back to the person on the family file, right click, tag and the advanced tagging box opens. On the bottom right click on the tags to show button, alter one of the columns to the one you want. Now that tagged list will appear on the names list.
  • Export the gedcom in the usual way. File, export to gedcom file, record selection, All individuals with an individual tag of – alter it to the group you want, close, select file name and start export button, Choose where to save the file e.g. desktop, when it is complete Ok.

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